Police: work-related expenses
To claim a work-related deduction:
- you must have spent the money yourself and weren’t reimbursed
- it must be directly related to earning your income
- you must have a record to prove it.
If the expense was for both work and private
purposes, you can only claim a deduction for the work-related portion.
Deductions for police can include:
- Car expenses
- Travel expenses
- Clothing expenses
- Self-education expenses
- Informant expenses
- Overtime meal expenses
- Other expenses
Other expenses you can’t claim
- Child care – you can’t claim a deduction for childcare expenses. These are private expenses even if you need to pay for childcare to go to work.
- Driver’s licence – you can’t claim a deduction for the cost of getting or renewing your driver’s licence as it is a private expense.
- Entertainment – you can’t claim a deduction for entertainment expenses, for example, food, drink, attending social functions or recreation.
- Club membership fees and club sponsorship fees – you can’t claim a deduction for club membership fees, except for Federal Police pistol clubs.
- Fines – you can’t claim a deduction for fines imposed under a law of the Commonwealth, a state, a territory, a foreign country or by a court. For example, you can’t claim for a fine you received if you were caught speeding when driving between jobs.
- Glasses and contact lenses – you can’t claim a deduction for the cost of buying prescription glasses or contact lenses as it is a private expense for a personal medical condition. You may claim the cost of protective sunglasses, see sunglasses, sunhats and sunscreens.
- Grooming including hairdressing, cosmetics, weight loss products and skin care products – you can’t claim a deduction for these items as they are private expenses.
- Meals – you can’t claim a deduction for the cost of meals eaten during a normal working day as it is a private expense, even if you receive an allowance to cover the meal expense. You can also access information on overtime meals.
- Newspapers – you can’t claim a deduction for the cost of newspapers as it is a private expense.
- Removal and relocation – you can’t claim a deduction for the cost involved in taking up a transfer in an existing employment or taking up new employment with a different employer.
- Social functions – you can’t claim a deduction for attending social functions, even though they may be compulsory.
- Union and professional association fees – you can’t claim a
deduction for joining fees, levies or other amounts you paid to assist families
of employees suffering financial difficulties as a result of employees being on strike or having
been laid off.
Remember to report all income in your tax return and remove any portion of your expense that is not work-related.
When you claim a deduction, you are stating that everything you have told us is true and can be supported with records. You are responsible for the claims you make in your tax return, even if you use a registered tax agent to prepare and lodge it on your behalf.
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